I'm back to the blogger after almost five months.
For goodness sake.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A series of Blogged events
I finally covered duties that are required in my job scope. Yep, picked up a new skill and been practicing since yesterday afternoon and today morning.
Gentle reminder is given to the residents to make their payment on time through phone calls. It may sound somehow like legal loan sharks or telemarketing. The whole system looks complex and I yet still got the access. However, I'm temporary using my mentor's account to check upon the history of various transactions. I still haven't really got the hang of the different systems. There's just too much.
Claimed half-day off in lieu of last Saturday shift duty for tomorrow's graduation. This marks the completion of my teenage years spent in education. Consider it as a significant day in my life.
Another thing to relate, I was overjoyed when I bought the twilight book yesterday. It may have been bought on impulse, as it did have been for Harry Potter series. I decided that I should protect the book cover so I wrapped it with a piece of plastic. If you could see the state of my Harry Potter, you will gladly agree with me. Currently, my aim is get the complete series. Put the blame on the libraries. I've search in vain the series but not avail. Yikes.
PTO just asked me to go with him on a case of ceiling leak. The case is gender sensitive, lady lessee, wiser to have a lady officer there in case. The appointment is at 8pm, OT for the first time. Out with PTO means he will test me on how much I learnt. I must do recap before-hand.
becca signing off to do recap.
spirit of work lives.
19th May 2009
Word count: 419 words
Morning! The usual routine, check the necessary systems even the inbox are all empty. I must practice this task everyday so I will remember the sequence and not forgetting all the passwords. Hell, lots of passwords.
To my relief, PTO didn't ask me much questions to test me. Instead it was rather a pretty relaxing chat. He was really a nice boss giving me advice. After the night inspection, PTO was nice to send me home. I was really hungry as I managed to finish the whole packet of hor fun by myself, which I usually can't.
I've been feeling sleepy and lacking of concentration because I stay up late last night to watch CSI. Heck. Lost count on the number of times I yawned.
Graduation is today. My robe not ironed and formal wear not prepared. Everything seems to be stagnant or not in the way. I think that is my attitude, always like to last minute, which my father always said. I just can't help it.
20th May 2009
I have spent another unnecessary expenditure on taxi fare this morning. I woke up 15 minutes late but in the end still did not rush on time. I'm not having enough sleep, as if I'm a walking zombie. I even got the urge to apply leave today just to sleep longer.
Fell into deep sleep once I bathe and lie on my bed. I was too tired, exerted too much energy in the day. I walked from block to block throughout the house inspection and sweating profusely. At the graduation, as long as there's no a/c, I'm always perspiring like crazy. The robe is indeed a heat suit. All of us are like a bunch of sweaty fellows.
The Graduation Ceremony was great. Like some says, every ending has a brand new beginning. I wish everyone all the best and to succeed in the things they do. Taking this opportunity, I just want to thank all my classmates and poly mates for making a difference in my life. Friends are for life.
With a blank state of mind, until then.
21st May 2009
I reach the office exactly at 8am. It's a good thing but I didn't managed catch a wink during the ride. I left my house at 7.22am to catch bus 65 at 7.26am. I almost board the bus but because of the stupid incoming cars I couldn't cross the road. In the end, I missed the bus. I got quite angry, stomping off to another bus stop to take to the MRT station. Luckily there are alternate means of transportation to reach my workplace.
I just came back from house inspections. The hot and humid weather makes the trip very tiring for me. I switched wearing sneakers for work and it's been very comfortable though it might be a little mismatch with my attire.
22nd May
A funny joke caught my attention, this is how it goes.
Mr Bean is appearing for his university final examination. He takes his seat in the examination hall, stares at the question paper for five minutes and then in a fit of inspiration takes his shoes off and throws them out of the window.
He then removes his shirt and throws it away as well. His pant, socks and watch follow suit. The invigilator, alarmed, approaches him and asks what is going on. "Oye, I am only following the instructions yaar," he says, "it says here,' Answer the following questions in brief'."
Signing off work,
22nd May 2009
Phew. I'm more cooled down now. I followed one of my colleagues to do house inspections. The sweltering sun successfully kept us sweating profusely. I reckoned that I stink after that.
I think I need to start an exercise regime. Anybody interested to sign up with me?? Keen?
While waiting for lunch,
25th May, Monday
I just got the news today I will be taking charge of properties with effect on 1st June. It's kind of fast but it's already been almost a month since I joined. I hope I won't mess up.
I am starting to miss school life. The school holidays; the low-price food; the teachers we can rely on; the lessons that we used to skip and the friends we go through thick and thin with. If there's a one-month "work holiday", I thought to myself. No such good things man.
Don't take things for granted.
25th May, Monday
It's been a while since I last took bus 65. I always miss the transport by a minute or two. Considerable fortunate, I still have another alternative, MRT. I'd taken train when I missed the bus. But bad thing is that most of the time I have to stand until Tanah Merah then I'll have a seat and I can't take a short nap.
Oh man, my eyes are feeling droopy and my yawns are going to take over me soon. Struggled, struggling, struggles very hard.
My intention is to have the chocolate digestives biscuits as my lunch today. But I got the urge to have MacDonald's set meal, upsize with the cup. I love lunch hour, munching away while reading my book.
My mood is quite good today.
26th May, Tuesday
Quite finished my double cheese burger meal, I was asked along to attend the window inspection with some of our staff. I learnt a lot today. They screen the window rivets using a mirror-like tool, the ones dentist used to check your teeth except they were a little bigger. I started taking down notes so that I can refer if I forget. I should have jotted down long ago but at least I start now.
Another constructive day.
26th May, 5.32pm.
It has been successful in keeping awake during office hours. I am still doing the demand letters, a few in a day, making the workload lighter and also allowing them to keep me occupied.
I received several items these days, the mirror-like tool that I mention, HAD T-shirts, renovation and electrical guidelines and also met some estates officers (EO).
I'm slowly developing the passion for the job. I think a tiny winy.
Night at the museum 2 was great. Funny as I expected, no regrets watching. $6/ticket was a good deal.
Didn't have enough sleep last night. Today I went to the toilet twice to take a quick nap. Both a swift one but satisfying.
The work ends here.
28th May, Thursday
I'm feeling better than ok today. Two resale cases tomorrow, I hope I don't mess it. All the best, I say. Jerk me. What's for luncheon?
2th June, Tuesday
I finished all the stuff for today and left some time to blog. Undeniable busy handling cases over these days. I didn't even bother to watch my shows put aside checking my emails and facebook.
When is Supernatural airing in CH5?
8th June, Monday
The ill benefits of this job:
Getting unevenly tan on the wrong place
High probability of dehydration
Profuse perspiration
Minor acne outbreaks
Long walks
Guessed I'm exhausted by the heat. I need to buy a thicker curtain that can minimize the amount of sunlight coming in and the temperature of the radiating heat. IKEA.
11th June, Thursday
I broke record for taking bus on five consecutive days. That's really a feat but I got to admit I always late by 10 to 15 minutes. It's proud but at the same time ugly. Finally went to watch Ghost of Girlfriend Past yesterday. One objective met, Transformer next.
19th June 2009, Friday
Gentle reminder is given to the residents to make their payment on time through phone calls. It may sound somehow like legal loan sharks or telemarketing. The whole system looks complex and I yet still got the access. However, I'm temporary using my mentor's account to check upon the history of various transactions. I still haven't really got the hang of the different systems. There's just too much.
Claimed half-day off in lieu of last Saturday shift duty for tomorrow's graduation. This marks the completion of my teenage years spent in education. Consider it as a significant day in my life.
Another thing to relate, I was overjoyed when I bought the twilight book yesterday. It may have been bought on impulse, as it did have been for Harry Potter series. I decided that I should protect the book cover so I wrapped it with a piece of plastic. If you could see the state of my Harry Potter, you will gladly agree with me. Currently, my aim is get the complete series. Put the blame on the libraries. I've search in vain the series but not avail. Yikes.
PTO just asked me to go with him on a case of ceiling leak. The case is gender sensitive, lady lessee, wiser to have a lady officer there in case. The appointment is at 8pm, OT for the first time. Out with PTO means he will test me on how much I learnt. I must do recap before-hand.
becca signing off to do recap.
spirit of work lives.
19th May 2009
Word count: 419 words
Morning! The usual routine, check the necessary systems even the inbox are all empty. I must practice this task everyday so I will remember the sequence and not forgetting all the passwords. Hell, lots of passwords.
To my relief, PTO didn't ask me much questions to test me. Instead it was rather a pretty relaxing chat. He was really a nice boss giving me advice. After the night inspection, PTO was nice to send me home. I was really hungry as I managed to finish the whole packet of hor fun by myself, which I usually can't.
I've been feeling sleepy and lacking of concentration because I stay up late last night to watch CSI. Heck. Lost count on the number of times I yawned.
Graduation is today. My robe not ironed and formal wear not prepared. Everything seems to be stagnant or not in the way. I think that is my attitude, always like to last minute, which my father always said. I just can't help it.
20th May 2009
I have spent another unnecessary expenditure on taxi fare this morning. I woke up 15 minutes late but in the end still did not rush on time. I'm not having enough sleep, as if I'm a walking zombie. I even got the urge to apply leave today just to sleep longer.
Fell into deep sleep once I bathe and lie on my bed. I was too tired, exerted too much energy in the day. I walked from block to block throughout the house inspection and sweating profusely. At the graduation, as long as there's no a/c, I'm always perspiring like crazy. The robe is indeed a heat suit. All of us are like a bunch of sweaty fellows.
The Graduation Ceremony was great. Like some says, every ending has a brand new beginning. I wish everyone all the best and to succeed in the things they do. Taking this opportunity, I just want to thank all my classmates and poly mates for making a difference in my life. Friends are for life.
With a blank state of mind, until then.
21st May 2009
I reach the office exactly at 8am. It's a good thing but I didn't managed catch a wink during the ride. I left my house at 7.22am to catch bus 65 at 7.26am. I almost board the bus but because of the stupid incoming cars I couldn't cross the road. In the end, I missed the bus. I got quite angry, stomping off to another bus stop to take to the MRT station. Luckily there are alternate means of transportation to reach my workplace.
I just came back from house inspections. The hot and humid weather makes the trip very tiring for me. I switched wearing sneakers for work and it's been very comfortable though it might be a little mismatch with my attire.
22nd May
A funny joke caught my attention, this is how it goes.
Mr Bean is appearing for his university final examination. He takes his seat in the examination hall, stares at the question paper for five minutes and then in a fit of inspiration takes his shoes off and throws them out of the window.
He then removes his shirt and throws it away as well. His pant, socks and watch follow suit. The invigilator, alarmed, approaches him and asks what is going on. "Oye, I am only following the instructions yaar," he says, "it says here,' Answer the following questions in brief'."
Signing off work,
22nd May 2009
Phew. I'm more cooled down now. I followed one of my colleagues to do house inspections. The sweltering sun successfully kept us sweating profusely. I reckoned that I stink after that.
I think I need to start an exercise regime. Anybody interested to sign up with me?? Keen?
While waiting for lunch,
25th May, Monday
I just got the news today I will be taking charge of properties with effect on 1st June. It's kind of fast but it's already been almost a month since I joined. I hope I won't mess up.
I am starting to miss school life. The school holidays; the low-price food; the teachers we can rely on; the lessons that we used to skip and the friends we go through thick and thin with. If there's a one-month "work holiday", I thought to myself. No such good things man.
Don't take things for granted.
25th May, Monday
It's been a while since I last took bus 65. I always miss the transport by a minute or two. Considerable fortunate, I still have another alternative, MRT. I'd taken train when I missed the bus. But bad thing is that most of the time I have to stand until Tanah Merah then I'll have a seat and I can't take a short nap.
Oh man, my eyes are feeling droopy and my yawns are going to take over me soon. Struggled, struggling, struggles very hard.
My intention is to have the chocolate digestives biscuits as my lunch today. But I got the urge to have MacDonald's set meal, upsize with the cup. I love lunch hour, munching away while reading my book.
My mood is quite good today.
26th May, Tuesday
Quite finished my double cheese burger meal, I was asked along to attend the window inspection with some of our staff. I learnt a lot today. They screen the window rivets using a mirror-like tool, the ones dentist used to check your teeth except they were a little bigger. I started taking down notes so that I can refer if I forget. I should have jotted down long ago but at least I start now.
Another constructive day.
26th May, 5.32pm.
It has been successful in keeping awake during office hours. I am still doing the demand letters, a few in a day, making the workload lighter and also allowing them to keep me occupied.
I received several items these days, the mirror-like tool that I mention, HAD T-shirts, renovation and electrical guidelines and also met some estates officers (EO).
I'm slowly developing the passion for the job. I think a tiny winy.
Night at the museum 2 was great. Funny as I expected, no regrets watching. $6/ticket was a good deal.
Didn't have enough sleep last night. Today I went to the toilet twice to take a quick nap. Both a swift one but satisfying.
The work ends here.
28th May, Thursday
I'm feeling better than ok today. Two resale cases tomorrow, I hope I don't mess it. All the best, I say. Jerk me. What's for luncheon?
2th June, Tuesday
I finished all the stuff for today and left some time to blog. Undeniable busy handling cases over these days. I didn't even bother to watch my shows put aside checking my emails and facebook.
When is Supernatural airing in CH5?
8th June, Monday
The ill benefits of this job:
Getting unevenly tan on the wrong place
High probability of dehydration
Profuse perspiration
Minor acne outbreaks
Long walks
Guessed I'm exhausted by the heat. I need to buy a thicker curtain that can minimize the amount of sunlight coming in and the temperature of the radiating heat. IKEA.
11th June, Thursday
I broke record for taking bus on five consecutive days. That's really a feat but I got to admit I always late by 10 to 15 minutes. It's proud but at the same time ugly. Finally went to watch Ghost of Girlfriend Past yesterday. One objective met, Transformer next.
19th June 2009, Friday
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Blogging in the office
For your information, these are all pre-typed in the office.
Counting on, it's the tenth day of work. Friday is where I long for to come and finally it's TODAY!! Work ends early at 5pm every Friday which is something good and happy for me. I can't wait for tomorrow to end too as I will be working on SATURDAY. Fortunately, 8am-12.30pm. I don't really dislike working, I think for now it's been quite dull and sometimes boring. They can't pass me any case yet because I think I still need to be familiar with the matters relating to the job scope.
Without Internet available is what bores me further. No blogging, hence I resort to "blog" using Microsoft Word. Yep, this is pre-typed at my work station.
Anyway some things still encourage me through these days. Pay day on the 12th, I've already spent a little of it. Bought a shirt at Uniqlo and a slim jeans at MNG. Well, it really cheers me up. I think I do need a pair of shoes that is comfortable to wear during work. It's been quite torturous for my feet the past two weeks having to endure the pain in heels.
At the end of the day, I hope I do not spent too much money and use it unnecessarily.
Well speaking of how I spent my money, now shall share about how I been spending time in the office. As I could remember, the day I got my access to the pc, I plugged in my thumb drive and immediately it detected virus. It didn't bother me much so I continue viewing my files. Not long later, the administrator called me and told me stuffs about using software to scan and clean virus and avoid using personal thumb drive for work. Hah. This is my first impression to the administrator.
When everyone is busy with their paperwork or out for house inspections, I spent my time reading Harry Potter even I had read it twice. Better than nothing to do right? Anyway I also enjoyed reading over again because the movie is coming out, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm a fan of Harry Potter. Chuckles.
These two days I played Sudoku in the TODAY newspaper. I'm actually quite good at it and managed to solve it without any clues or hints.
For your information, I have also done some work. I have gone to site and house inspections with several colleagues at different days, read up about the various guides and policies; helped in moving the balloting boxes from the second storey to the third. It was damn tiring; they were metal and wooden materials and we climbed stairs, mind you. Ended the next day I got a bad back pain and aching arms; on an errand to buy snacks and tea for the STO.
Sometimes I will doze off. I wonder if anybody noticed. Hope not.
Wonder what I will be doing next week?
Graduation is just less than a week away. Then it will be official. Not a student anymore. No concession in bus rides, no student offers, can I still order student meal? Miss the good old days being a student.
Word count: 528 words.
15 May 2009
I feeling real pissed off right now upon realizing the fact that I should try not to read story books during working hours. Then, as a matter of fact, what the hell I can exactly do when there's no cases for me to handle and when I don't even know how to use the software. Worse is that when I clicked the icon, it says, "You are not authorized to access that database". Gosh!! So many web base and damn confusing. Tomorrow still got to come for work and it's only two staff including me on duty. I don't even know what I can do tomorrow if I can't read my book. Leave me alone please.
May the peace be with me.
15 May 2009
Oh no. It's a problem even when I want to be tidy. Maybe it's retribution for "misusing" the company's pc for private purposes. I thought of sorting the songs and photographs in my handphone and making another softcopy to my thumbdrive. But viola! God gracious me! My device is not being shown on the My Computer panel. It can be detected but I can't seem to access into it.
I am not really good in computer applications. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
Yes, I am now in the office. Alone since 8am, the cleaning uncle came and clear the rubbish and chat awhile on his cellphone then off he went. Not long ago, my STO came to finish up her work bringing her daughter along.
The office seems peaceful with nobody around except for the drillings and renovation noises. Nobody will know what exactly I am doing which I feel more relax. I am wearing slippers now. Woohoo.
Pondering what constructive tasks I can do this weekend. How I hope I can complete the spring cleaning I started a few weeks ago as soon as possible. The whole process has been going on and off; don't know where to start exactly. Being a perfectionist is problem here.
Still thinking about my handphone malfunctioning. There's not a single music file nor jpg folder in my phone because I went to format my external memory card. Oh gosh. Is that the reason why the device can't auto play when I plugged into the USB port? No idea..
Anyway I just know I got to spent my weekend wisely and enjoy it to the fullest.
Signing off work.
16th May 2009
Counting on, it's the tenth day of work. Friday is where I long for to come and finally it's TODAY!! Work ends early at 5pm every Friday which is something good and happy for me. I can't wait for tomorrow to end too as I will be working on SATURDAY. Fortunately, 8am-12.30pm. I don't really dislike working, I think for now it's been quite dull and sometimes boring. They can't pass me any case yet because I think I still need to be familiar with the matters relating to the job scope.
Without Internet available is what bores me further. No blogging, hence I resort to "blog" using Microsoft Word. Yep, this is pre-typed at my work station.
Anyway some things still encourage me through these days. Pay day on the 12th, I've already spent a little of it. Bought a shirt at Uniqlo and a slim jeans at MNG. Well, it really cheers me up. I think I do need a pair of shoes that is comfortable to wear during work. It's been quite torturous for my feet the past two weeks having to endure the pain in heels.
At the end of the day, I hope I do not spent too much money and use it unnecessarily.
Well speaking of how I spent my money, now shall share about how I been spending time in the office. As I could remember, the day I got my access to the pc, I plugged in my thumb drive and immediately it detected virus. It didn't bother me much so I continue viewing my files. Not long later, the administrator called me and told me stuffs about using software to scan and clean virus and avoid using personal thumb drive for work. Hah. This is my first impression to the administrator.
When everyone is busy with their paperwork or out for house inspections, I spent my time reading Harry Potter even I had read it twice. Better than nothing to do right? Anyway I also enjoyed reading over again because the movie is coming out, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm a fan of Harry Potter. Chuckles.
These two days I played Sudoku in the TODAY newspaper. I'm actually quite good at it and managed to solve it without any clues or hints.
For your information, I have also done some work. I have gone to site and house inspections with several colleagues at different days, read up about the various guides and policies; helped in moving the balloting boxes from the second storey to the third. It was damn tiring; they were metal and wooden materials and we climbed stairs, mind you. Ended the next day I got a bad back pain and aching arms; on an errand to buy snacks and tea for the STO.
Sometimes I will doze off. I wonder if anybody noticed. Hope not.
Wonder what I will be doing next week?
Graduation is just less than a week away. Then it will be official. Not a student anymore. No concession in bus rides, no student offers, can I still order student meal? Miss the good old days being a student.
Word count: 528 words.
15 May 2009
I feeling real pissed off right now upon realizing the fact that I should try not to read story books during working hours. Then, as a matter of fact, what the hell I can exactly do when there's no cases for me to handle and when I don't even know how to use the software. Worse is that when I clicked the icon, it says, "You are not authorized to access that database". Gosh!! So many web base and damn confusing. Tomorrow still got to come for work and it's only two staff including me on duty. I don't even know what I can do tomorrow if I can't read my book. Leave me alone please.
May the peace be with me.
15 May 2009
Oh no. It's a problem even when I want to be tidy. Maybe it's retribution for "misusing" the company's pc for private purposes. I thought of sorting the songs and photographs in my handphone and making another softcopy to my thumbdrive. But viola! God gracious me! My device is not being shown on the My Computer panel. It can be detected but I can't seem to access into it.
I am not really good in computer applications. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
Yes, I am now in the office. Alone since 8am, the cleaning uncle came and clear the rubbish and chat awhile on his cellphone then off he went. Not long ago, my STO came to finish up her work bringing her daughter along.
The office seems peaceful with nobody around except for the drillings and renovation noises. Nobody will know what exactly I am doing which I feel more relax. I am wearing slippers now. Woohoo.
Pondering what constructive tasks I can do this weekend. How I hope I can complete the spring cleaning I started a few weeks ago as soon as possible. The whole process has been going on and off; don't know where to start exactly. Being a perfectionist is problem here.
Still thinking about my handphone malfunctioning. There's not a single music file nor jpg folder in my phone because I went to format my external memory card. Oh gosh. Is that the reason why the device can't auto play when I plugged into the USB port? No idea..
Anyway I just know I got to spent my weekend wisely and enjoy it to the fullest.
Signing off work.
16th May 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
like very long ago.
I am updating the things that happened these days.
Yup. Started work about a week. It's kind of routine during the weekdays and I found myself doing the same things over and over again.
I don't know how to share my work experience as for now it doesn't seems to be interesting.
I have taken cab to work twice in a week because I couldn't wake up on time.
Done very little work in the office and hoping 5.30pm to come soon.
Got to have lunch alone still.
Today is Monday and I really looking forward to Friday..
I am updating the things that happened these days.
Yup. Started work about a week. It's kind of routine during the weekdays and I found myself doing the same things over and over again.
I don't know how to share my work experience as for now it doesn't seems to be interesting.
I have taken cab to work twice in a week because I couldn't wake up on time.
Done very little work in the office and hoping 5.30pm to come soon.
Got to have lunch alone still.
Today is Monday and I really looking forward to Friday..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Everything's getting cranky
Gosh. The computer is really cranky. Checking my email also can get hang. Luckily I can blog else.. Felt so restricted. Drawing nearer to my working day, 4th May. Wish me all the best. I will be out in the workplace. Recently I am quite a clean geek. Been making myself free to clear my room. I really mean SPRING CLEANING. It is a year and a few days since I moved to my current house and I still haven't really unpacked all my things. I managed to start a little each day hoping to finish before I start work. Now I know how it feels being a housewife. Hah.
I think I need to start to be hardworking. I need to decide now.
I think I need to start to be hardworking. I need to decide now.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Random Me
It's been two weeks since I the OCP trip. Things happened and time do not wait. This is how my days passed. Been feeling alot these days as usual. I'm not being emotional just sentimental I would call it. Recalling as hard as I could remember;
Today I went to school to rent the graduation gown. I saw the graduation bear. It's cute, I want it. Can someone buy IT for me? As a gift? $16 only :) grins
After that rot in the library till 7pm for the OCP post trip meeting. Grab a few pizza, chit chat, watched some video footage and took our cert then off we go. Nothing much.
Dad said he will be attending my graduation ceremony. I was surprised. He usually can't stand this kind of event, doze off over a while. Thought of it, parents will be proud of their child achievements.
Just as surprised, I really got the job. Technical officer (Housing & Maintenance) a HDB. I really thought I missed the chance as they took more than 2 weeks to get back to me. Just when I was losing hope and it came unexpectedly. 4th May will be the first day of work.
Yeah. My birthday is coming soon!! I want a laptop, SONY VAIO (red).
Today I went to school to rent the graduation gown. I saw the graduation bear. It's cute, I want it. Can someone buy IT for me? As a gift? $16 only :) grins
After that rot in the library till 7pm for the OCP post trip meeting. Grab a few pizza, chit chat, watched some video footage and took our cert then off we go. Nothing much.
Dad said he will be attending my graduation ceremony. I was surprised. He usually can't stand this kind of event, doze off over a while. Thought of it, parents will be proud of their child achievements.
Just as surprised, I really got the job. Technical officer (Housing & Maintenance) a HDB. I really thought I missed the chance as they took more than 2 weeks to get back to me. Just when I was losing hope and it came unexpectedly. 4th May will be the first day of work.
Yeah. My birthday is coming soon!! I want a laptop, SONY VAIO (red).
Friday, March 27, 2009
down but with chop chop
Yes, it's a new post again. I am not feeling well today. An irritation in my nose and throat since last night. Must have caught the virus from the bus. You know those uncles and aunties cough and sneeze not covering their mouths. Then, the press bell and hand rails full of bacteria and germs. It will be a miracle if I hadn't got it.
One of the worse is that I got to endure the bitterness taste of the malaria tablet. Even sweet treats cannot cover the horrible feeling. I seriously don't enjoy thursday now.
Luckily, there's one thing that could cheer me up now. My pet chop chop. How I wish it was real.. It insisted to drink the sparkling pear juice but I've only got one. That's a naughty one, he don't even want to play the ball. Hehe.
One of the worse is that I got to endure the bitterness taste of the malaria tablet. Even sweet treats cannot cover the horrible feeling. I seriously don't enjoy thursday now.
Luckily, there's one thing that could cheer me up now. My pet chop chop. How I wish it was real.. It insisted to drink the sparkling pear juice but I've only got one. That's a naughty one, he don't even want to play the ball. Hehe.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It'll be soon.
What a week I had. Been working almost everyday but fortunatelyI still have time to spare. Luckily I still have The Chronicles of Narnia to accompany me when I'm bored. Not a bad book afterall. I played with my pet society pet, chop chop and I found his first poo. Hurray! I gave him so much "luxury" food yet he took so long. What a wait...
The ocp meeting today was delivering the English and IT lessons as a trial run. The English lessons developed was a success. I do enjoyed it and have a great laugh throughout the whole lesson. Leaving for Laos in a week's time..
Lots of things are happening, I not sure what's more to come, but I hope I can face them with courage and intelligence. Sometimes, I do feel I'm not as capable as I thought though.
The ocp meeting today was delivering the English and IT lessons as a trial run. The English lessons developed was a success. I do enjoyed it and have a great laugh throughout the whole lesson. Leaving for Laos in a week's time..
Lots of things are happening, I not sure what's more to come, but I hope I can face them with courage and intelligence. Sometimes, I do feel I'm not as capable as I thought though.
Sometimes I do really miss the times when we have fun. Impossible to turn back time, Why not look forward and do your best.
~ Edited the picture myself. Lol.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Brother & Sister
Today I had a wonderful day. Met my brother and went for dinner together. It was quite some time since we both hang out. Thought of buying shoes from the converse sales but gave up the idea in the end. Due to the urgent submission of the medical exam report for the OCP, my brother accompanied me to school. I brought him around the school, like a tour guide. The view of the location near mensa was just breath-taking. Hardly can I see it. Maybe it's because it is whom you see it with.
After strolling at bedok reservoir, we went bedok interchange. Walking around aimlessly and hestitating what to have for dinner, we both decided burger king. To our dismay, it was closed for renovation. Sigh. Finally agreeing to something, then like that. We went library to restore our sore feets and I managed to borrow The Chronicles of Narnia. Woohoo. Next, we went the hawker centre to eat. My brother ordered curry chicken noodles, which tasted alot like peanut, while I ate the duck rice set. The morale of this is called, chicken hand duck foot (ji shou ya jiao). Lol. I really enjoyed myself today.
2.9kg of reader digest, that's really heavy. Am I really going to put THOSE in my lugage?
After strolling at bedok reservoir, we went bedok interchange. Walking around aimlessly and hestitating what to have for dinner, we both decided burger king. To our dismay, it was closed for renovation. Sigh. Finally agreeing to something, then like that. We went library to restore our sore feets and I managed to borrow The Chronicles of Narnia. Woohoo. Next, we went the hawker centre to eat. My brother ordered curry chicken noodles, which tasted alot like peanut, while I ate the duck rice set. The morale of this is called, chicken hand duck foot (ji shou ya jiao). Lol. I really enjoyed myself today.
2.9kg of reader digest, that's really heavy. Am I really going to put THOSE in my lugage?
Library meeting
I went to school eariler yesterday to sort out the donated books which we are bring to Laos. That was the first meeting (or the only meeting) for the library team. Overall, I felt the meeting has given me a chance to know the other team mates better. The interactions were good and I enjoyed it. Though the library team is small, but I think it's a good start. Hope things will get better for me.
I went Bugis for dinner and dessert. The name of the dessert shop was funny. Ahh ahh "Ah Chew" dessert shop. I think it creative and easy to remember thanks to yuli. The mango sago I had was nice. But what I like was the toilet wash basin. One word, traditional.
I went Bugis for dinner and dessert. The name of the dessert shop was funny. Ahh ahh "Ah Chew" dessert shop. I think it creative and easy to remember thanks to yuli. The mango sago I had was nice. But what I like was the toilet wash basin. One word, traditional.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Cheers Fireman!!
Woohoo. Today FLSM site visit to SCDF training academy was really an experience for me. The live fire that I don't or won't come across so easily was indeed too "hot" to handle. I realised the importance of fire safety and the consequences and damages it can bring. Now the firemen are the greatest of all. Here are some pictures to share.

The fire roll over.
First Aid lesson :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
back again with mixed feelings
Around 3 weeks. I will be at Laos. I do not really feel excited about it nor anticipate what will take place over there. The few meetings had let me taste what is it like. Honestly speaking, I do enjoy what I am doing to contribute to this outreach. But somehow I just have mixed feeling. I am not really sure what is the main cause for it. Maybe there's lots of them or it's just that I'm thinking too much. Intiatially, most of us sign up for this trip but because of reasons only a few of us are going. I felt quite "sian" after that but I asked myself if I'm going there to help then I should have a positive attitude to serve. For that time, that was my motivation. Soon after the meetings, I saw that many of the students actually knew each other and moon had taught them before. Once again, I felt "sian". In total, there are about 40 students going excluding teachers. The group is considered big and the worse can be forseen- Cliques. Now I feel hardly motivated. But I kept encouraging myself everything is going to be ok, just don't think too much and don't give pressure to myself. I remembered something very meaningful of what moon said. That we should humble ourself and not putting ourself as the best one.
I want to feel looking forward to everything.
Put me to the test.
I want to feel looking forward to everything.
Put me to the test.
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