doing forfeit - joey, szeyin, willie
1st June was the first day of our 21 Prayer Day. everyone of us will take turns to fast each day. mine will be every tuesday. anyway, we met up at Cathay's B&J to use the voucher before it was due. it was like ages since i have ice-cream... unfortunately, we still got to pay extra $2. we ate and played uno. zhen ying came even she was fasting. this outing was to "hold" the friends during the ignite camp. in the end, it turns out well. seeing what my leader stretching her capacity to serve & do great things for God and for cell group, I really admire and appreciate her even more.
I waited damn long for my bus 65, i think around 30 minutes, was getting annoyed. but the wait was worthwhile. a military band (was it?) was marching down the road from the Istana and i managed to snap some shots while they were in action. cool.