Over the years, I learnt that friends are really important to me. Maybe some things happened or there's misunderstanding, and the friendship is just affected. I don't wish to lose a friend just because of this. We used to do things together but just maybe because of that incident then everything seems to change. I don't know if F is angry over that issue or just too stressed over work but I kinda sense that it's regarding that issue. It must be something as F is like giving a cold shoulder because that is not his usual self. The incident may have been the trigger and the additional load of work being thrown back to F. Maybe my action really spite F.. I don't know how exactly to approach the situation because I 'm afraid that it will just worsen. If the first step I take is wrong, then it is that's it. Human heart is just so fragile. But I hope we can be friends again back like we used to, cos I don't want to lose a friend that is important to me. I will fight for it, at least I know that I tried cos it's worthwhile. Afterall, it's really hard to find a good friend for life. I mean take a good look at the society and within our work life, you can have colleagues but hard to make good friends out of it. Colleagues can turned upon you without taking much of your considerations of your feelings but friends will never do that to each other cos we care for one another. Life sucks and hurts alot at times. If I lose it, I will fight it back.